Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Random questions#1

1.  If someone wrote a book about your life, what would they title it?  Write the first chapter.
2. Do you believe in the death penalty? Why or why not?
3. Would you rather have the power to be invisible or the power to read minds? Give a detailed description of your day with one of those powers.
4. Should marijuana be legalized? Why or why not?
5. Are you the type of person who can eat at a restaurant or go to the movies alone?  Or do you always need someone by your side?  Explain.
6. Do you believe in ghosts?  Why or why not?
7.  You just got a full scholarship to two colleges: one is in New York City, the other is in California.  Which one would you choose?  Explain.
8. Some people enjoy geting compliments and some people feel embarrassed by them.  Which are you?  What are some compliments you get a lot?  Are there times when you get compliments and don’t believe them? Explain.
9. What is your favorite song?  How do the words make you feel? What images or thoughts come to mind when you listen to it?  
10. Are you an extrovert (energized by being around other people) or an introvert (energized by being alone)?
11. Are you lucky or unlucky?  Explain.
12. What’s something you bought this year, you wish you could return? Why?
13.  What are your bad habits? 
14. When someone has bad breath do you tell them or try and ignore it?
15. When you meet someone your age the first time, what’s usually the first thing you notice?  What’s something they could say or do in the first minute that would make you say to yourself “I want to be friends with him/her!”
16. You’ve been hired to write a teen dictionary.  What would be the first 10 words all teens should know about?
17.  Is it ok to tell lies sometimes or should you always be honest?  Please use examples.
18.  Are you good at keeping secrets? Are there any situations where you would tell your friend’s secret?
19. Does Google Maps invade your privacy?  Why or why not?  Watch THIS video to inspire your answer.

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