Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Random question#1 continued..

7.) 1 would choose cali because i love it out their i would def choose cali i would want to meet new people and explore their and its hot and many celebz are their.

8.) I get complements and i get complements on my eyes my hair my height and me. Yes cause you can tell when they laugh and say something.

9.)Well i LOVE any NICKI MINAJ songs lets just put it like that i Love her she makes me feel Happy. Some images that come to mind ar her.

10.) Im none im not going to act crazy around ppl like ima alien or by myself

11.) Im really not sure but i think unlucky cause everytime im around my friends and their playing basketball they lose or suck and dont make any shots. lol

12.) My polo boots cause their played out and nobody even wears them any more

13.) I flat iron my hair everyday when its straight and i must take all the bumps and curls out.

14.) I tell them and i give them gum or a mint.

15.) What they where their shoes and eyes. i get mad fresh i got true religion everything uggs and expesive stuff.

16.) Nt really sure but they would be slang words

17.) You can tell the truth sometimes like if somebody breaths stinks or if they stink. you can lie also but not about serisous stuff or when you get introuble.

18.) Yeah but if you tell me not to tell i wont. If its serious then ill tell.

19.) No

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